Municipal Disaster Consultants, Inc.
Your Recovery Is Our Mission.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why would I need a consultant?
Hiring a consultant insures that you have experienced professional representatives advocating for your best interests. After a disaster, Federal funds dedicated to the recovery often represent an unprecedented financial infusion to the State and local communities. Consultants help ensure that your organization is in compliance with the most up to date regulations to preserve your short and long term funding opportunities.
When is the best time to hire a consultant?
The best time to hire a consultant is right after disaster strikes. Recovery is a long process that often takes years to achieve. Federal policies change with each disaster and consultants that represent FEMA rarely serve for more than 90 days at a location. Hiring your own representation from the beginning provides consistent project management services throughout the process. Accurately assigning claim responsibility between insurance and FEMA is more efficiently done at the beginning of the process.
We have experienced a disaster, what do we do to preserve our funding opportunities?
Regardless of whether you hire us we recommend all victims of disasters to do the following three things to put themselves in the best possible position for recovery assistance:
1. Document all damage with photographs and descriptions as soon as possible
2. Immediately develop and maintain a tracking system for all financial and non-monetary contributions including volunteer hours
3. Organize an advocacy team that has access to County, State, and Federal representatives
It has been six months since the disaster, is it too late to hire a consultant?
It is not too late to get help. Our team has worked with many clients at this stage of a disaster. Many prospective clients attempt to manage the recovery process themselves only to discover that specific expertise with FEMA protocols is required to ensure compliance and funding approval. We can certainly help clients at this stage of the disaster move forward with their recovery.
How do I arrange a consultation?
Call us. Ryan Frykholm, Director of Operations has extensive construction experience, FEMA program expertise and received his Licensed Public Adjuster in 2008. His unique combination of skills and experience is easily accessible to disaster impacted communities. He can be reached at 585-739-3230 to discuss your challenges and concerns. All discussions remain confidential.
Are your fees reimbursable?
Yes. A portion of our fees are reimbursable by FEMA. A very precise invoicing protocol must be followed to ensure reimbursement. Our firm utilizes a hourly tracking system that monitors direct administrative costs and deliverable items which also serves to inform our clients of ongoing progress through the recovery.